Be sure to follow BRIGHTS Hardware on Facebook for many opportunities to win amazing prizes throughout the month. From the best in gardening equipment to a few handy tools – who knows what we’ll give away next?
There is only one winner and one product available.
BRIGHTS HARDWARE competitions are open to all South Africans residing in the Western Cape. Competitions are not open to employees, agencies, or immediate family members.
A prize-winner is chosen at random, but must have complied with the entry requirements.
The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Prizes are not transferable, cannot be deferred or exchanged for cash and are not negotiable.
Winners use and accept prizes at their own risk. BRIGHTS and the prize sponsors (and/or their respective agencies) cannot be held responsible for any accident, injury, or loss of property experienced as a result of winning, accepting and/or utilising prizes won.
Prizes not collected/claimed within 1 month of being won will be disposed of at BRIGHTS HARDWARE’S discretion.
By entering our competitions, entrants agree to adhere to competition rules and regulations, details of which entrants declare themselves conversant with.
Any violation or attempt to violate any of the above rules will result in the immediate disqualification of the transgressor.
BRIGHTS and the prize sponsors reserve the right to cancel the competition at any time, if deemed necessary in their opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of their control and shall not be liable in any way whatsoever to entrants in such event for any cause or action whatsoever.
Winners may be required to have their details disclosed and may appear on the Internet or in printed publications.
BRIGHTS reserves the right to alter rules or prizes at their own discretion. Such altered rules and prizes shall become effective immediately after being altered or on such date as may be determined by BRIGHTS. No entrant shall have any recourse against BRIGHTS because of the alterations of the rules or prizes.
The chosen competition winner is only final once the winner’s name is announced on our digital platforms.
Prize does not include delivery.
Competition closing date will be communicated on our social media platforms where applicable.